Located along Hwy. 97, you will find the 108 Heritage Site. Tourists and locals are welcome year-round. The site is open for daily tours mid-May to September.
While most of the buildings are original to the site, a few have been moved to the location including the McNeil House, the Greenlees trapper’s cabin and the 133 Mile School House. The McNeil House was once located at 105 Mile and was one of the original roadhouses. Fashioned in the classical Victorian style, the house boasted 10 bedrooms. It ceased to be a roadhouse in 1912 and is now home to a most interesting museum.
Other buildings at the 108 Heritage Site include the impressive Watson Barn, the BX barn, a blacksmith shop, post house, icehouse, school house, church, telegraph building, bunk house, an outhouse and the Ainsworth sawmill display.